

Macros are reusable collections of steps and help solve the problem of duplication in kosher tests.

Table of Contents

  1. What are macros?
  2. Where do macros go?
  3. How do I create a macro?
  4. Example Macro *.feature File in macros/ Directory
  5. Example Test Script *.feature File Using the Macros Above
  6. Limitations of Macros

What are macros?

Macros are named collections of steps (henceforth, called substeps) that become steps you can use in your test scripts. Executing a macro step executes all its substeps.

Where do macros go?

Macros are stored in the macros/ directory of a kosher project.

How do I create a macro?

  1. Create a new *.feature file in the macros/ directory.
  2. You may enter whatever title and description you want in the Feature: block (this block does not affect your macros).
     Feature: Form Filling Macros
         Macros related to filling an input form.
  3. Create scenarios with titles that will become your macro step definitions. You can create many scenarios in a single macro *.feature file. All of the scenarios will become available as macro steps in your test scripts.

    For the example below, you could use the macro below in a test script like this When I fill the input form. Doing so would execute all the steps in the macro’s scenario.

     Scenario: I fill the input form
         Fill the Selenium Easy input form demo.
         Then I fill in "first_name" with "Gherkin"
         And I fill in "last_name" with "Warrior"
  4. Use the macros’ scenario titles as steps in your test scripts. The example below provides a full demonstration.

Example Macro *.feature File in macros/ Directory

Feature: Form Filling Macros
    Macros related to filling forms.

    Scenario: I fill the input form
        Fill the Selenium Easy input form demo.

        Then I fill in "first_name" with "John"
        And I fill in "last_name" with "Doe"

    Scenario: I fill the rest of the input form
        Fill the other fields in the Selenium Easy input form demo.

        Then I fill in "email" with ""
        And I fill in "phone" with "(444)333-2222"
        And I fill in "address" with "222 Ausley Road"
        And I fill in "city" with "Albany"
        And I select "New York" from "state"
        And I fill in "zip" with "333333"
        And I choose the "Yes" radio

Example Test Script *.feature File Using the Macros Above

Feature: Test Macros
    Verify that Kosher's macros feature
    works correctly.

        Given I maximize the window

    Scenario: Fill a Textbox
        Verify steps for fill a textbox.

        Given I go to the "input-form" page
        When I fill the input form
        Then "first_name" should contain "John"
        And "last_name" should contain "Doe"
        And I fill the rest of the input form
        Then the "Yes" radio should be selected

Limitations of Macros

The following do not work in macros:

  • Tags
  • DocStrings
  • DataTables
  • Scenario Outlines
  • Examples