
Automated Testing Without Coding

Functionally test your web application through simple, readable Gherkin scripts. No programming required!

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Getting Started

Installing kosher

  1. Download the installer from the latest published release of kosher:
  2. Run the installer with administrative privileges. You can do one of the following:
    • Simply double-click the kosher.jar file (this may work for some)
    • If double-clicking fails on a linux system, open a terminal and run sudo java -jar kosher.jar
    • If double-clicking fails on a Windows system, skip to the next section Install using Windows Command

Install using Windows Command Line

  1. Navigate to the Windows Command Line shortcut, right-click, and Open as Administrator

    Command Line Navigation

  2. When the terminal opens Chage Directory (cd) into the following file path: (C:\Users\user\Downloads)

    a. Command Line: Change Directory Step 1

    b. Command Line: Change Directory Step 2

  3. Execute the following command to begin the install: (java -jar “kosher(version#).jar)

    Command Line: Run Installer

  4. The kosher installation wizard should appear. Follow its prompts to complete installation.

    Command Line: Installation Wizard

The installer will suggest several tools to aid in writing Gherkin scripts and running kosher tests. At a minimum, we recommend Chrome, Git (and Git Bash, if you’re using Windows), and Visual Studio Code.

  1. The installer should automatically add kosher to the PATH. To verify the installation, open a new terminal and key in the command below. Your output should look similar.
    $ kosher version

Trying it Out

  1. Create a new directory to house your first kosher project. Using a bash terminal, enter:
    $ mkdir kosher-project
    $ cd kosher-project
  2. Initialize the project (create its basic structure, configuration files, and an example test script):
    $ kosher init KosherProject
    Project [KosherProject] initialized...
  3. Assuming you have Chrome installed, run the example test with the following command:
    $ kosher run features/